Post 202 ( Keystone Heights Melrose), Jacksonville Post 202 Commander George Owen 352.473.11461st Vice George Carroll 1stvice@legion202.org2nd Vice Dianne Carter 904.616.4197Adjutant George Owen 904.616.4197Finance Jim Harland SAA position Chip Nilsen 352.473.2349SO position vacantChaplain Mike Plummer katplummer9374@icloud.comHistorian vacantJA vacant Sons of the American Legion SAL Squadron #202Commander Dale Lavamway sons@legion202.orgMeetings, 2nd Monday at 7:00pm American Legion Riders Riders Chapter #202Director Luis de Jesus Meetings, 3rd Tuesday at 6:00pm Auxiliary Unit #202President Kathy Plummer auxiliary@legion202.orgMeetings, 3rd Saturday at 11:00am Post 202 Meeting information Monthly meetings, 2nd Tuesday at 6:00pm Location Post 2027441 State Road 21. Keystone Heights, Florida 326565443 Corrections and changes to information contained on this site can be emailed to Please include your American Legion Post number in the subject line. Please include your phone number in the text.